This Transgender Day of Remembrance we remember all of the trans and gender diverse people who have been killed or suffered from gendered violence.

LGBTQIA+ people are often ignored or forgotten in the family and domestic violence space, even though studies have shown that people in the community experience intimate partner violence at rates equal to or higher than their non-LGBTQIA+ counterparts*. 62% of transgender men and 43% of intersex women have experienced abuse in their relationships. We remember trans and gender diverse people who’ve lost their lives to intimate partner violence. It was only in September this year when Mhelody Polan Bruno, a trans Filipina woman, was murdered by a partner.

People in the LGBTQIA+ community are hurt by the very same drivers** that lead to domestic violence. Anyone who dares to be their true self is targeted in some form or another by those whose privilege can’t exist alongside diversity or difference. To fight against domestic violence we have to address that our society is by and large organized to the benefit of a privileged few. A world without domestic violence cannot be one governed by power and control over bodies and spaces. Bodily autonomy, acceptance, trust, love and respect need to be the foundations of a society free of transphobia, homophobia, queerphobia and intimate partner violence.  

In 2018, a survey*** of over 1600 trans and gender diverse Australians was undertaken on the lives and health of gender diverse people. 53.2% of participants reported experiencing sexual violence or coercion. This compares to just 13.3% among a general sample of people in Australia. 69.6% of those who experienced sexual violence or coercion had experienced it multiple times, compared to 45.3% among a general sample of people in Australia.

There is so much work that must be done – to address the root causes of family and domestic violence, we must also rally against homophobia, transphobia and queerphobia when we see it. In the fight against domestic violence, we must not forget our siblings in the trans and gender diverse community. We must join together. Our hearts are with those who are fighting for their rights, existing and paving the way for a brighter future. Today, we remember them.

If you need someone to talk to, help is available from QLife on 1800 184 527 or online and, Lifeline on 13 11 14, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636.


*Family Violence in an LGBTIQ Context,

**Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia,

***2018 Australian Trans and Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey,