Our achievements
Since our launch R4Respect and Men4Respect have achieved many milestones including being a 2019 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Award Gold Winner.

- Outreach to more than 6,000 secondary students in Logan and beyond.
- 17 young people mentored, trained as Youth Ambassadors and taking leadership responsibility.
- Built an online network of 4000+ followers.
- Gold Award Winner at the 2019 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards.
- Local Legends Award Winners in 2020 presented by Jim Chalmers MP.
- Youth-led discussions with several Queensland State Ministers and Federal MPs.
- In collaboration with ANROWS, released the findings of our research evaluation into the effectiveness of our youth-led, peer-to-peer primary prevention program.
- Created a video series in collaboration with ANROWS and VicHealth to communicate the findings of the 2018 National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey.
- Launched 6 animation videos featuring messages of respect, reaching almost 500,000 views to date.
- Been involved in the process to reform the law around consent and the mistake of fact excuse in Queensland to ensure the law protects victims and survivors of sexual assault and rape. We also entered a submission into the law reform process in New South Wales in 2018 alongside Saxon Mullins, an advocate against rape and sexual assault.
- Entered a submission and joined the campaign to stop misogynistic camper van advertisements.
- R4Respect Youth Workers and Youth Ambassadors play representative roles with the Sexual Violence Prevention Roundtable, Queensland Youth Engagement Panel, Queensland Family and Child Commission Youth Advisory Council and the Waterford Youth Advisory Council.
- R4Respect released a 4-part youth podcast education series in August 2021, available to listen on YouTube and Soundcloud.
- R4Respect Youth Worker Marisha featured as a panelist on ABC Radio conversation on consent and young people.