Led by young people for young people, R4Respect is an education strategy to prevent domestic and family violence.

R4Respect Youth Workers create and share messages that promote the values, skills and knowledge needed for respectful relationships.

R4Respect was prompted by the need to respond to the attitudes of young people towards interpersonal abuse and violence.

R4Respect is supported by a team of Youth Workers from a range of diverse backgrounds.

We use school activities, digital communication strategies and community outreach to promote the values and attitudes that help young people understand what is okay and what crosses the line into unhealthy or abusive behaviour.

If you wish toΒ sponsor a youth workerΒ orΒ donate to keep R4Respect running, we’d love to hear from you.

National Community Attitudes Youth Survey

We’ve proudly partnered with The Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) again for the release of the 2021 National Community Attitudes Survey findings.

Thank you to ANROWS for giving young experts the opportunity to share their truth.

Young people and DV in the media

Media reports of DV are confusing young men and women’s ideas of relationships, yet there’s so much more to it. Kaitlyn and Josh work every day to educate other young people on DV and where abuse actually starts.

Control and the stepping stones to domestic violence

Nagma explains how, when explaining the ‘cycle’ of violence to young people, what they often don’t realise is it starts off as something so small. These ‘small things’ are the stepping stones to DV. This pattern is what we call coercive control.

Safety and gender conditioning

Josh and Malika from the Queensland and Family Child Commission (QFCC) share as young people what their own experiences are like with safety. ‘Gender conditioning’ upholds inequality where women and girls feel unsafe.

Be the change

Don’t wait for young people to be the change we need, help them become it. The Year 12s at Loganlea State High School are just one of the workshops we ran with diverse young people. Captured by Ignition Films. This was proudly supported by YFS Ltd and Loganlea State High School. Funded by the Queensland Government.

We all need to be working towards changing the stats, in our own lives and in our communities. Let’s change the story. Let’s create communities and relationships built on respect, equality, trust, consent and love!


In the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS), over 1 in 3 (36%) young people reported that they would not know where to get outside help for a domestic violence issue. That needs to change. We have a list of services that can help you if you’re in need in our Get Help section.